

Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

Business suitable for Students without Capital

Business suitable for Students without Capital

Students are often identified as super-busy creatures. Their activity is not just about learning in the classroom. They also often conduct lab work in laboratories, field research and organizational meetings or student activity units. However, the activity will decrease as students reach the old semester. Schedule of college students who have reached the semester of old is not as crowded as their college schedule when they were younger semester. Their busyness during the semester is to complete the final task alias thesis. 

Schedule work on thesis is dynamic, depending on student intentions and lecturer guidance. So, it would be nice that the spare time possessed by final student is filled with student business. In addition to spare time on the sidelines of completing the thesis, business for students will provide additional income for students. Of course the extra money from business for students is very useful considering the needs of final year students to complete the thesis is very much.

Business suitable for Students without Capital

Business Benefits for Students

Although the main obligation of a student is to finish his education well. There is no harm in having a student business. There are many business benefits for students that will be explained below.

Students understand the meaning of hard work

Students who take education while doing a side business for students better understand the meaning of hard work. They can put their position as money seekers like their parents do. They understand how hard it is to earn money so they can better appreciate the money they get. The process of earning money that requires hard work makes them think a thousand times to spend money on things that are not needed.

Students become more disciplined

The assumption that students who do business then the education will be abandoned is not always true. Precisely a student side business can increase student awareness of time. They realize that their busyness does not just lecture. They have job responsibilities that should not be forgotten. They become more disciplined over time and can not arbitrarily take advantage of their time for things that are not useful.

Students become more creative

The world of college is a world where students seek as much experience as possible, especially the out-of-school experience. The experience will be a stock of their knowledge while in the community. And, the best way to hone a student's level of creativity is to do business. They can find student business opportunities in the neighborhood that are then processed into a creative student business idea that is profitable.

Students can ease the burden of parents

Searching for experience is not just a reason for students to run a business. Business for students is a way for them to ease the financial burden of parents in their finance. Small and small business students can turn into a profitable business for students of origin lived with diligence and never give up. As a result, they can make money to finance their own lives.

Students do not become unemployed after college

Do you know? When students graduate they are directly inaugurated as unemployed. They will struggle in a competitive world of competition. Fierce competition in the world of work will not be experienced by those who have a promising business for college students. Students who already have a business do not have a headache to apply for jobs to various companies. They do not have to worry about waiting for the call. They just need to pursue a business that has been run during college more seriously. They hope that their business grows rapidly and can create jobs for others.

Students become more confident

Do you believe that a student-run business brings a significant boost to their confidence? Yes. It is true. Students who run a business during college have a higher level of confidence than others. In the business world they always meet new people coming from different backgrounds. It makes them more confident and adaptable when in a new environment.

Students have many relationships

Looking for work today is a breeze. What it takes to get a job today is not just relying on a high GPA (Grade Point Average) only. The relationships we have have an important influence in order for us to find work. Students who are in business during college will have many relationships because they always interact with new people with diverse backgrounds. They have more relationships that help develop the business it runs.

Tips For Successful Students in Business and Lectures

As has been explained above that pioneering business suitable for college students was bothered easy. There are obstacles that narrow the business opportunity for students. The barriers ranged from a lack of self-confidence to students that they could pioneer a promising business for college students to the stigma of those around them that running a business while studying would make their study abandoned. Though the business pioneered by students during college has many positive impacts that have been described above. To get the benefit of the student-run business, there are a few tips that need to be done below.

Start by looking for easy business ideas

Students tend to hesitate to start a business because they think too much. They have high expectations about the business they will run without any action at all. Sometimes they are too idealistic in that they want a "wow" business idea and others than others. Though business ideas for beginner students do not need a too complex idea. Look for business ideas that are easy to run so we are not too dizzy to think about what to prepare for starting a business. Also make sure that business is easy for college students will generate promising benefits.

Build a businessman mentally within us

A side business for students often stops halfway because students do not have a businessman's mentality. Whereas having the mental strength like a professional businessman is an important thing that needs to be applied in business for students. Mentality that must be owned by students who doubles as a businessman is the courage in taking decisions and take risks and confidence in facing challenges during business.

Balance college and business

Businesses run by students are often hampered because students are still a dilemma between education and business. They are still confused to determine which is more prioritized between education and business. If they prioritize education then the side business they pioneered will not grow. On the other hand, if they focus more on taking care of the business run will affect the neglect of education. Lecture assignments are neglected, grades of college are declining sharply until graduation continues to be delayed. Therefore, students should be able to balance these two priorities. Do not let a business make college dormant or college makes business inhibited. Both can run smoothly as long as we can be disciplined in managing the time.

Do not lull

Running a side business while completing a study means making students busier. Their time should be well divided so that the two important activities can run smoothly. The best way for all our activities to be done smoothly is to reduce the habit of lazing. Do not ever procrastinate business or business affairs. Lazing just the same makes the business hamper want to college. The impact of lazing too much, ranging from work that does not go through until the reduced time off.

Never give up

Failure must always accompany every step of human life, including in running a business while finishing education. Businesses that run in college may be failures when students are too prioritize their education or students who do not have the ability to do business qualified. Failure that occurs in business during college should be made a whip for us even harder in trying to grow the business. Always embody the belief that failure is a delayed success. Success will always come to them as long as they are always persistent in developing the business.

How to Start a Business for Students

In the previous section has been explained about the benefits to be gained for students who have business and tips for business run student can be a success. So in this section will explain how to start an easy business for students who promise big profits.

Choose the type of business according to the discipline

Creative ideas are an important foundation in setting up business for lucrative students. No need to think that to find creative and unique ideas is difficult. Creative ideas can be found easily from the things closest to the lives of the students. Creative ideas for business for students can be found from the disciplines they studied during college. For example, students with a concentration of foreign-language knowledge such as English Literature, Chinese Literature, Korean Literature, Japanese Literature, Arabic Literature and other foreign languages ​​can utilize their foreign language skills to become foreign language tutors, interpreters and freelancers. Students from fisheries majors can utilize the knowledge they have by establishing fishponds that also functions as research objects. In essence, creative ideas can be found easily as the sensitivity to the surroundings is enhanced.

Choose the type of business that students are looking for

The target market of a side business run by students is clear. The target market of business for students is none other than fellow students. Therefore, in order to run the side business can run smoothly then the type of business that must be run type of business required by students. For example, a 24-hour delivery order delivery service will surely be in demand, especially in the middle of the night when a curfew is valid in boardinghouses and student dormitories. A 24-hour food order delivery service is needed to supply students' feeding needs in the middle of the night or students who are too lazy to go out for their own meals.

Diligently join a seminar on business or entrepreneurship

There is no harm in throwing a few hundred thousand rupiah to attend seminars or conferences about business as well as entrepreneurship. Through the seminar, business side owners can get knowledge about business directly from speakers who are experts in the field. If the student business owner has a problem or a question about a sideline business run can be asked directly to the experts. In seminars on business and entrepreneurship, they will meet new people who share the same interests. Thus, not only science is acquired, business relationships can also be expanded through seminars.

Take advantage of social media

Students are now facilitated their life with the advancement of information and communication technology. One form of advances in information technology and communication is the existence of social media like Facebook, Twitter, LINE, Instagram and much more. Social media helps people who are located far away can communicate directly. Social media can be used as a means to do business for students. For example, students can open an online store or online shop where buyers not only come from the people around, but can come from other regions that overseas. Student side business marketing through social media is also free, unlike conventional marketing through newspaper ads, banners, banners and brochures. Thus, using social media to run a student side business is like a proverb "once two rows of three islands exceeded". Social media can be a means to open a student side business as well as a means for marketing.

Kinds of Business Suitable for Students

Above has been explained at length about the benefits for students who have a business, tips for student side business goes smoothly to how to start a profitable business for college students. So below there are some business types for lucrative students who can be a reference to pioneering business while striving for a bachelor's degree.


Resellers consist of the word "re" and "seller" which means reselling. Resellers are people who buy products on large agents or manufacturers with large quantities and prices are cheaper than the sale price in the market. Later the product will not be used but for resale in accordance with the selling price in the market. Resellers can market a wide range of products such as clothing, cosmetics, food and much more.


Dropshipper is different from resellers even though a dropshipper's job is to sell things. Dropshipper is a person who sells a product, but without the need to buy the product first. The product is in the hands of major manufacturers or agents. The job of a dropshipper only promotes the product to the buyer, accepts the buyer's order and sends the order data to the manufacturer or agent. Items sent from the agent will be sent directly to the buyer's home under the name of the business owner, not the name of the manufacturer or agent.

Sell ​​electrical pulses and quotas

Business pulses electrically there is no death. This business has been run by many students since the cellular phone became popular. The business can be run by anyone with little capital. Only with Rp 100.000, -, they can make a deposit for credit and get profit up to Rp 20.000, -. However, mobile phones that are increasingly sophisticated and equipped with internet features, selling electrical pulses must be accompanied by internet quota selling. This is because the need to surf the internet is higher than for phone and SMS.

Selling flannel handicrafts

Craft business is promising big profits. This business can start with a few models and generate a promising advantage. The handicraft business which is mostly occupied by the students is the flannel handicraft business. By relying on creativity, they can conjure colorful flannel sheets into unique and beautiful crafts such as brooches, hair clips and flannel flowers. Crafts from flannel can be sold as accessories or souvenirs for certain occasions. Crafts from flannel flowers can be sold as a gift for moments such as seminar proposal thesis, seminar thesis results, graduation and anniversary. Of course flannel flowers are the best option to give a gift of flowers because it will never wither.

Sell ​​a bouquet of snacks

The final year students will go through several phases before graduation such as seminar proposal thesis, seminar thesis results, awareness test to graduation. Each of these moments will definitely get the prize as a form of appreciation because they have gone through one by one stage to become a scholar. Bouquet is the most common gift, but the bouquet is not merely filled with flowers. Bouquet containing snacks into a trend to give gifts to friends arms. This is because the bouquet is more useful snack which is where the snacks in the bouquet can be eaten as a snack. Meanwhile, the bouquet of flowers will only be a display only in the dorm room.

Sell ​​the hijab

Almost all Muslim students have been wearing the hijab. Therefore, selling hijab can be a lucrative student side business. Especially if the hijab that we sell is the hijab that is becoming a trend among students. Of course the market demand for the hijab is definitely increasing. Some of the hijabs that are recommended to be a student business side commodity are veils of cotton, satin, diamond italiono and chiffon.

Sell ​​food

Food is undoubtedly a business commodity that provides multiple benefits. Food business can be started by way of processing foods that are commonly sold in the market into a unique snack. For example, a pinch cake. Pinch cakes are usually sold with a sweet taste can be innovated with various flavors such as chocolate, cheese, matcha or green tea and much more. Other foods that can be a side business of students with a tantalizing turnover are macaroni and noodles. Two of these foods are snacks that were sold when they were still in elementary school. These snacks can be a business commodity if innovated with a variety of flavor variants such as roasted corn, balado, sweet cheese, seaweed or spicy with various levels of spiciness.

Sell ​​cheese cake

Cheese-containing foods or drinks are becoming a trend among college students. Food that used to be mediocre can be a food that "hits" after added cheese. Therefore, cheese cake can be a side business of students who are definitely much sought after. Students can sell homemade cheese cake using a potluck apparatus such as rice cooker or steamed pan to steam cheese cake. Cheese cake recipes are most easily practiced by the students are also easy to find on cooking sites on the internet like Cookpad. Later cheese cake can be sold as a snack among students or as a snack for lecturers when the seminar proposal thesis, seminar thesis results and also the examination of awareness.

Become a tutor

Students should not waste their knowledge. They can use the knowledge they learn in college by sharing it with others. Therefore, becoming a tutor to learn to be the side job of the most widely cultivated by the students. They can be tutors studying in tutoring institutions or in private by visiting their students one by one. No need to bother looking for students, students can approach their lecturers who have school-aged children. Lecturers tend to choose their students as tutors for their children because they already know the character of their students through the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students also have an age range that is not too far from school children so that students tend to be the figure of a friend or brother not as a teacher or tutor figure.

Become a singer in the cafe

The phenomenon of hangout in the cafe has become a common phenomenon in Indonesia. Those who like hangouts in cafes usually want to find entertainment and unwind. People who own cafes usually open opportunities for singers outside the cafe to perform in their cafe. Therefore, for students who have a talent in the field of music, whether it drag votes would also play an instrument can take advantage of these opportunities. They can perform at the café every weekend when the college schedule is not solid. In addition, many famous singers who started his career as a cafe singer. Who knows in the cafe there is a producer who is interested in their musical ability and recruit him to become a professional singer.

Become a KUDO agent

What is KUDO? KUDO is an abbreviation of Kiosk for Online Commerce. KUDO is a business platform to sell and buy online like online selling stalls scattered on the internet such as Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukapalak, OLX, Blibli and many more.Why must KUDO? KUDO be the right choice for student side business because KUDO has worked Together with hundreds of leading companies in Indonesia. Thus, goods sold in KUDO are "first hand" goods that are shipped directly from the company for sale by KUDO agents. The selling price of goods sold through KUDO is much cheaper than the selling price in the market so the profit earned from selling is much bigger.In addition, in KUDO not only do the business of buying and selling goods only. KUDO can perform other transactions such as sales of electronic pulses, internet quota, token refill tolls until booking public transport tickets such as airplanes, trains and ships. KUDO agent also serves the payment of various bills such as utility bills, internet, water, motorcycle installments, mortgage installments to bank credit installments. How to become a KUDO agent?
To become a KUDO agent begins by registering on KUDO website or KUDO application downloaded through Play Store. After registration is successful the KUDO agents are asked to invest as initial capital to become KUDO agent. Students who do not have money do not have to worry because the investment of a KUDO agent can be done with money Rp 10.000, - only.

Easy is not it?

What are you waiting for?

Quickly join to be part of KUDO now.

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