

Jumat, 09 Juni 2017

4 product strategy and ways of Creating Product Opportunities

4 product strategy and ways of Creating Product Opportunities

Marketing is often confused with the sale. Sure, Marketing is the marketing and sales is sales. The sale is part of the marketing tactics in dimension. Marketing we know as grand theory studies therein included product strategy. So, give the rationalization of marketing contribute to product strategy in deductive. Through this summary can be found three contributions to the marketing strategy of the product.

The first contribution, market analysis is required at all stages of product planningthat provides information so that the idea according to the needs and desires of consumers. Knowledge, experience, and market research methods is fundamental in the development of product strategy. Consumer information needed to find anddescribe your needs and desires that have not been met, evaluate the product development, introductionand monitoring the performance of existing products. Several methods and testing products are available in the product portfolio. Thus the contribution of marketing deals with the concept of the product life cycle.

4 product strategy and ways of Creating Product Opportunities

The second contribution, with regard to product specifications. Gradually top management expects the other identifying characteristic of management and performance of the product. These, demanding the elaboration of information of consumerneeds and wants into product specifications-based total quality management. Adaftasi needs and desires of consumers with the product capabilities are very crucial in designing and implementing product strategy.

The third contribution is in deciding the target markets and positioning strategy.Management of marketing strategies and finding the best decision to target andmarket the product. Those decisions, it is often very important in the achievement of good success of a new product or an existing product. Because the choice of specifications and product positioning are closely related, then position the product needs to be considered at the early stages of the marketing planning process. The decision of positioning can include a single product or brand, one product lineor product line mix in one business unit.

Product strategy is one of the important decisions within the scope of marketing. So, what is appropriate and in marketing in absorbency by the product strategy.

In short the marketing contribute to product strategy in terms of life cycle of the product, product specifications, determining your target audience and market theirproducts.

Product strategy consists of several stages:
  • pricing
  • administering brand products
  • distribution strategy
  • time management


Pricing strategies are determined by a decision of the management of the product mix, quality products, and brand products. Distribution strategies also influence the choice of how prices will be successful in combination with advertising sales strategy. Pricing strategies affect the decisions of other marketing mix elements. Because, the price itself constitute one of the elements of the marketing mix.

In the process of price determination takes place penentapan strategy objectives,analysis of the situation, the selection of strategies, special pricing and policies. Many businesses use pricing strategies to achieve one or more objectives. The thingis to get the market position, achieved financial performance, product positioning,and affect the competition. In addition to the foregoing two tendencies present inany usage pricing as a strategic variable. First, the business of designing price flexibly to cope with change and uncertainty. Second, the price is often used as a strategic element in business and actively marketing. An analysis of the pricing situationto develop strategies against the curve product lines or selecting pricing strategies against a product or brand new.

Emphasis is placed on strategy formulation of some important activities that include market analysis, product analysis, competition analysis includes legal and ethicalconsiderations. The analysis, showed the extent of the holding power pricing. Pricing can be approached from a strategy very active, activealmost off. Special pricing is done on a cost, competition and or request. In its existence the implementation and management of pricing strategies include assignment policies. Finally, somespecial pricing consideration revealed, namely: distribution channels, product life cycle, relationship quality price is not always proportional.


A powerful image ownership provides some advantages for a business. Brand image is able to differentiate our products with the products of competitors. Competitive advantage ever created and consumer brand that is known for pushing the occurrence of repeated purchases. Thus, a strong brand image is important in its existence.

Various strategies of granting of the brand can be done in an effort to support the creation of brand image. The strategy is meant among them there are six options as an alternative to the granting of the brand. First, a strategy without an identity that is done by way of relying on the wholesale or pengecernya to encourage consumers. Second, the strategy of its own brand, that isby means of agreement the placement of brands on products made. Business brand strategy into a third alternative that is implemented in a way to build brand identity using the business name as the identification of the entire product offer. Fourth, the strategy of product line which puts the product name on a line of products is concerned. Fifth, the special brand strategy, that ispay attention to certain products manufactured and or products that are frequently purchased consumer. The last is a combination that no other strategy is the integration of the five strategies have been put forward or use more than one brand strategy.

The existence of the established brand is useful for introducing new products passconnects it with an existing brand. A brand which is known by the consumer can be used to identify other products within its portfolio of businesses. This means frombrand name looks easy it is consumers recognize products. The brand is already established may be subject to it as well as the extension of the license. Thus the election strategy of granting any brand should consider its expansion later. Please forgive us our name Shakespears because to have meaning.


Customers service is a product strategy that is important although sometimes in fact often ignored. Customers service serve the activities of application for product specifications, application details, processing purchase orders, the status of the investigation, and warranty service. One of the core problems in it no other coordinating various functions where the attributes customer service depending on the type of product and consumer demand. Regardless of the issue, customers service was able to increase the value of the product for consumers.

The management of the customers service is seen as a vital part of the marketing strategy. Related to it, it needs to be described an internal process that affect customer service, define its objectives, develop and manage the provision and give responsibility to carry it out. The responsibility of the customers service is generallyprovided to fleet sales or marketing staff units that process the request and complaints and complaints of consumers. A good approach is to develop strategies and priorities to give responsibility to the various functions involved providing services.So, defined, analyzed, and managed in a goal improve consumer satisfaction. Because consumers are now at smart. Is that a slave business anyway "Customers is King".


Time management is the planning, organizing, penggerakan, and monitoring productivity time. Time becomes one of resource performance. Resource that must bemanaged effectively and efficiently. Effectiveness is visible from the goal using a predetermined time before. No other efficient and contain two meanings: meaning a reduction in the time that is specified, and the meaning of the investment of time to use the existing time. Time management aims to productivity which means the ratio of the output with the input.

Looked and felt like a waste of time by following the management functions of managing time. Plan in advance the use of time is not an extravagance but rather provide guidelines and directions even oversight with respect to time. Of the review in a comprehensive manner the work done and written formulation of a plan of priority known relationships between the activities that will be carried out on its own as well as delegated. The traps that often appear here is confidence can quickly whendone alone where it was feeling less precise. After organizing the case then penggerakan else done that includes the implementation of own motivation and the granting to the holder of the delegation. One thing that is important is the strong commitment to consistently plan and eliminate disturbances including bantuian requests from superiors or subordinates with how dare to say "no".

Eventually after completion of discharging the supervisory work was done on the basis of the plan, which does not forget giving reward against success. In the situation of the time according to plan has not yet been discharged while the work has been finished it would be used to increase the quantity, plan further job and or investment of time. In short, the quality of the manajamen time bound to four indicators, namely: plan, stay organized, keep it moving, and keep doing surveillance. These four principles, applikabel in all jobs. Variation occurs in the complexity and speed of each stage is done. Perencaaan long term is clearly more complicated and relatively longer than the short term planning, even as it is so short it is possible planning so short that takes place in a matter of seconds. Commited to time.


All organizations have goals and purpose. They make and sell various products or offering certain services. Enterprise organizations should always customize the design of the product and the type of services they offer with what is needed and desirable consumers. Various designs of new products and services appear to be factbecause someone believes that there is a need for such products and services. Is the responsibility of managers to always find pirated products and new services that may be offered by the organization.

Advances in technology have occurred in strikes, resulting in everything quickly looked outdated because it has indeed been deprecated. Old products constantly designed kembal, new products and the incessant development.

Almost all of the new products are offered to the community will undergo a cycleof life. Market changes, the advancement of new technology, and other factors always create a new trend in the design of various products. The tendency first evinced late akhe is that many companies reduce the range of products and discontinued goods in product lines that are only marginally profitable. This is due to the more langkanya raw materials, price control worries, natural resources and energy that is increasingly limited and other economic conditions. The second trend is that many companies are trying to simplify their products through the design of returnedparts and components so that units with a total of a little more will do the same job.

1. Market failure

In microeconomics, the term "market failure" does not mean that a market is no longer functioning. In fact, a market failure is a situation in which a market is efficientin regulating the production or the allocation of goods and services to consumers.Economists normally wear this term in situations where the inefficiencies are already dramatic, or when disugestikan that the non market institutions will give the desired result. On the other hand, in the political context, the holder of the shares or capital used the term market failure for the situation when the market was forced not to serve the "public interest", a subjective statement that is usually made from theanvil of moral or social.

The four main types of causes of market failure are:
  1. A monopoly or in other cases of abuse of market power where "a" is the buyer or seller can give significant influence on price or output. Market abuse of power can be reduced by using laws of anti-trust.
  2. Externalities, which occur in cases where "the market is not brought into account ofeconomic activities in the aftermath of an outsider/stranger." There are positive externalities and negative externalities. Positive externalities occur in cases such as where the family health program on television is improving the health of the public.Negative externalities occur when a process in the company is polluting the air orwaterways. Negative externalities could be reduced by government regulation, taxes or subsidies, or by using property rights to force companies or individuals to accept the consequences of their economic effort on the extent to which it should be.
  3. A public good like national defense and activities in public health such as the mosquito nest eradication. For example, if eradicating mosquito nest turned over on aprivate market, then far fewer nests that may be destroyed. To provide a good supply of public goods, countries typically use taxes that requires all residents to pay on such public goods (related to positive externalities knowledge less than third parties/social welfare).
  4. Cases where there is asymmetric information or uncertainty (information inefisien).Asymmetric information occurs when one party of a transaction has more information and good from the other party.
This article also discusses: example marketing strategy product marketing strategyof products, snack foods, beauty products, marketing strategies marketing strategy product marketing strategy, a working samsung products, food products, marketing strategies, marketing strategies, new product marketing strategy 4 p.

2. Opportunity cost

Although the opportunity cost (opportunity cost) sometimes it is hard to quantify, the effect of the opportunity cost is very real and universal at the level of individuals. In fact, this principle can be applied to all decisions, not just economics. Opportunity cost is one way to do the calculation of the cost of something. Not only to recognize and add costs to the project, but also recognize alternative ways to spenda similar amount of money. The gains will be lost as a result of the best alternative; It is the opportunity cost of the first option.

Keep in mind that the opportunity cost is not the number of alternatives, but rather the advantage of a best alternative. Opportunity cost which, actuallyis the advantage to be lost in the greatest number among the alternatives which have been mentioned above.

One question that arises from this is how to calculate the advantages of alternatives that are not the same. We must determine a monetary value associated with each alternative to facilitate benchmarking and opportunity cost calculations, the results of which will be more or less difficult to count, depending on the objects which we will compare.

Related keywords: product strategy, strategy, strategy of the production price of the product, the product strategy is a strategy, products and services, new product strategy, online product marketing strategy, product strategy, branding strategy product marketing.

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