Often we ask ourselves what kind of business is suitable to run at this time, but always stuck because of the lack of business ideas even because of the capital we have, here are 4 home-based business ideas that you can make your business opportunity:
4 Ideas Home Business That You Can Make Business Opportunities
1. Hijab
With a capital of approximately Rp. 5 - 10 million you can run a business hijab. The trick is that we take the goods from the supplier for you to sell back later, but you must be smart in terms of bargaining to be kulakan with a more slanted price then you can sell it back at a higher price.
In this world the majority of the population is Muslim so the market in the country is still good. If you want more menggasak other opportunities, you can be marketed to other countries whose citizens are many Muslims. For example the price of hijab in the land market abang for Rp. 50 thousand and in Malaysia the average is priced at 49 rixdollars at the rate of 1 ringgit around Rp. 3.500 and of course you will get 2 times profit.
2. Catering
To open a catering business does need a rather large capital ranged RP. 20-30 Million because of its needs much like buying cookware, food ingredients as well as employee salaries. In this business you do not need to be grandiose to serve 1000 invited guests, even if only 100 portions but routine itupun also profitable.
For cooking ingredients you only need to buy them from the country, in addition to not spending much, you also prove that you love Indonesian products unless you will process Korean food, Japanese etc that require you to buy ingredients from abroad therefore the fee will be more than 20 Million.
For example make catering with Gudeg menu for 100 invited guests. With the price per portion of Rp. 25 thousand, while the capital expenditure is only 20 thousand only with the profit Rp. 5000 x 100 = Rp. 500 thousand. If in a month there are times of course the benefits that you can be tempting.
3. Food Stalls
The effort to make a food stall is almost similar to catering, only the capital is bigger because there is a fee to rent a place. For this diner business you do not have to worry will always be quiet, because as long as people need to eat, food stalls are to be sought. Making warteg around the campus will surely be more promising with the target of student customers.
An example would be to create a warteg with a capital of 30-40 million, if installed revenue target of at least Rp. 300 thousand per day to eat in 2 / 3bulan have back capital. To further pursue the target you can take advantage of the sophistication of the internet by promoting it in sosmed to open delivery service to boarding students.
4. Recycled Products
Lately a lot of appeal to participate in eco-friendly business. You can take this opportunity into a real business idea. For example, by opening a business of recycled or craft recycling of paper pulp. We need to know that Western people like the exotic-exotic in Indonesia including handicrafts. Then look for effort that you can tekuni well according to your ability.
From some business ideas mentioned above choose one business idea that matches your ability and ability to live it. And set it on your heart that you believe will succeed and get my right to succeed. That is all and thank you