Innovative Business Idea - Today, innovative creative business nan interesting is already found around us. Entrepreneurs competing each other spilled innovative creative business ideas that are different from before. Not just looking for sheer variation, but also to give something unique and different from its competitors. This is because the competition in business is increasingly rapid, especially when we have entered the digital era as now.
The magnitude of enthusiasm and public attention to something different and unique form of segmentation itself among entrepreneurs. This innovative creative effort is a business concept that combines information and creativity by relying on ideas and knowledge as the main factor driving the economy.
Bananas that previously only sold into fried bananas, chocolate bananas, grilled bananas, or banana cake, this time it can be transformed into a busy food discussed and much sought after. Yes, call it a banana nugget. Nugget that previously made from chicken is now processed by using banana as its main ingredient.
Another interesting thing about this banana nugget is because of its unique toppings and can shake the tongue to eat it immediately. Banana nuggets come with a variety of toppings such as chocolate, cheese, green tea, and many other variants. Banana nuggets are becoming a trend especially among young people is not difficult to obtain. In addition can be obtained by buying directly, banana nuggets can also be in the message through online transportation service that provides food messaging service.
Banana nuggets are one of many examples of creative and innovative endeavors livelyly discussed in 2017. Entering 2018 which is only a matter of months, even weeks has the potential to create creative and innovative business. Not only in the culinary field, but this business can also be applied to various types of business.
Here is an innovative creative business idea that is predicted to be big in 2018
1. Startup Ideas
Since entering the digital era and the rampant use of the internet, one by one startup was popping up. More when the government announces its support for this effort by initiating a thousand startup movements before 2020. This movement became one of the mission to make the whole country as the center of digital economy.
If we currently know uber, jet shopping, jibo robot and others. Not likely to present other startup-startup in 2018, even many investors who glance at this startup business.
Of course, a great opportunity to set up this business is also in your hands. If you are interested but confused to start what type of startup, you can see approximately what the market needs and you can directly create the application.
Since this is a digital effort, in addition to looking at the needs of the market you also have to equip yourself with knowledge about this startup. How to start, what things to watch and other things about startup.
2. Digital Agency
In the digital era, digital agency services are increasingly needed as a means of promotion for online companies. This digital agency is a business that offers advertising services by utilizing the internet. The use of the internet as a medium of promotion can be a means of marketing products to be widely known.
If a conventional advertising agency offers a service to advertise using banners placed on the street or create an ad on television, this digital agency makes the banner visible through the website.
Being on the start page of Google and many people who click on our ads or website is indeed a hope for entrepreneurs. With digital agency is not difficult to realize it all.
3. E-commerce
This business opportunity increasingly mushroomed since the beginning of its emergence. In 2018 this online business will still remain a favorite business. Not without reason, because now there are many people who choose everything completely practical, so the affairs of shopping all needs are done online. This is also because the transactions can be done digitally, so that consumers just click on what it needs, make transactions and wait until the goods ordered and delivered. This is quite practical especially for people in big cities that are getting more busy day.
4. Creative Culinary Business
As is known, creative culinary business is now rampant among the people of Indonesia. Call it banana nugget as described in the beginning, or a variety of business with processed mangoes are packaged in a unique and interesting. Of course, not only looks unique, but it also tastes delicious. To be able to build this creative culinary business, you must be good at searching for information and see the business that is currently there so you can modify it with your own creativity.
For example, if we know burger is a bread that contains meat and vegetables, you can make a burger with other variations. For example burger noodles, by substituting bread into noodles, or tempe burgers, with tempe that is a substitute for meat. Building a creative culinary business is not difficult if you are good at seeing opportunities.
5. Event Manager
Given the increasingly busy city community, certainly make them not have time to prepare for various events, such as a child's birthday. For that, generally they need other parties to organize and prepare all the needs of the event. Yes, who else if not the services of the event manager.
Event management services we are familiar with the event organizer event, event management, event planner, or even party planner. The services provided are for weddings, birthdays, meetings, reunions, outbound events, and various other events. Although there are many who run this business, but the opportunity for you is still there if you are keen to see the opportunities and explore your creative ideas to create a unique and interesting event concept.
This is the Reason Why An Entrepreneur Should Be Creative
The business world is a unique world, being innovative and creative is the key to the success of a business. This is because the business world continues to grow, especially when the internet begins to enter human life. Any business will not grow if not supported by the ability to create something new every day. The creativity of these entrepreneurs will be very useful to meet the growing market needs and for the sustainability of the business itself.
Creativity is like a spring that must be kept so as not to dry by learning and explore the creativity. So the review of 5 Ideas Innovative Creative Enterprises That Will Be Big in 2018. Hope can be an inspiration for you to make your business even better. For those who do not yet have a business, this is the time! May be useful!