

Kamis, 03 September 2015

A great way to make money from Adsense

A great way to make money from Adsense

Ever guns you heard about someone who has produced thousands of dollars from google adsense? Have you heard the story despite its 10% ctr but generate $ 1- $ 5 per click? Have you ever wished to express how they could do trersebut and begin earning real money from adsense? If yes, be prepared because I'm going to show how it could happen ... ..
Google AdSense advertising program which is very unusual because it involves a network so large and millions of websites. The program was originally designed only in the form of text ads with a variety of sizes, but now has expanded to form an image ad. Text-based ads that have shown success because kerelevananya the content / subject displayed on a website.

Google adsense is also a very powerful weapon for the website publisher. Because he can turn the site into a moneymaking machine easily and if used properly it can generate revenue is not small. However, if we do not use it properly and maximally to generate income, the same as we allow the departure of the money already available in front of the eye.
  • To maximize our adsense revenue, there are five things that we need:
  • 1. Format and precise ad placement.
  • 2. Target keywords (keywords) are worth.
  • 3. As much as possible in accordance with the target content.
  • 4. Fill in the relevant sites.
  • 5. Monitor the statistics that Google give away for good.

The right ad formats.
In essence to make money on adsense is how to increase the click through rate (CTR). What's the point so many visitors to our sites or keywords that have earnings-per-click is very expensive, but there are no visitors to click on our ads.

Well, to maximize CTR, then there are five rules that must be done:

1. Use ad formats that performance is very good compared to the others. Use the format 250 × 250 rectangle.

2. Place your ad right location and the best da page of our site (not the usual places used by publishers in general).

3. Use the right color combination, this will make visitors feel interested.

4. Make the background color of the ad the same as the color of our web page, or try as closely as possible.

5. Make ads without border (boundary), by setting the border color equal with the background color of the ad.

Words that are appropriate for the existing pages adsensenya very important.

Because advertisers (adwords) only pay on certain keywords, and some keywords have a value which is very expensive compared to other keywords. If the subject is discussed on our site is that's it, and keywords used are not valuable, then the ads that appear are the ads that are low in value.


Write content that is rich in targeted keywords is very important, and it is advisable to write content like every day. But to start a smooth path in adsense, we need to have thousands of articles that are already published.

(Free translation of: How to start sharply the Google Adsense Earnings.)

Earn profit with adsense and affiliate marketing

Are you a webmaster who needs funds in order to keep its website online? Or are you a person who wants to have the income from the internet? Whoever you are, if you really want to make money, affiliate marketing may be a great choice. And if your site is rich in content is good then why not participate in the Google AdSense program.

Why affiliate marketing?

Well, because affiliate marketing is an easy way and probably the best way to make money online, unless you are a businessman who prefers to sell your own products rather than selling other people's products on your site.

Affiliate marketing is simply the relationship or agreement between two websites in which one site is as traders and others as affiliates. In this relationship, the affiliate agrees to display ads on its site merchant. While the trader is willing to pay affiliates on terms and methods agreed. This can create income for the affiliate, simply by displaying ads on traders. For the merchant of course has the advantage, because it has affiliate will reduce costs in the event to advertise their products, when compared to paid advertising company.

There are several variations of methods on how the merchant pays their affiliates such as pay per click, pay per lead and pay per sale. Pay per click method is very popular among affiliates, because it simply by "herding" the site visitor to the merchant's site, the commission sdh obtained. For the other two methods are more preferred by traders, as a new commission be given if the visitors to the site-affiliate, to register or to purchase products on the merchant's website.

Profit on affiliate marketing programs is highly dependent on the number of visitors to a website. Sites that are able to attract a lot of visitors have an opportunity to make more money from affiliate marketing program.

And what about the adsense?

Google adsense is actually the same as affiliate marketing programs, because Google acts as an intermediary si-si-affiliate and the merchant. The merchants or advertisers simply sign into google and create text ads that describe their products. Well, these ads will be given a link to a site merchants or advertisers, and ads will be displayed on the search engine Google, Situs2 owned by an affiliate or a web master who has enrolled in the Google AdSense program.

Although there are many similarities between adsense with affiliate marketing program, but can also be found the difference. On google adsense, the owner of the web / web master enough to put the code on his website and Google will take care of the next step. The ads that will be displayed by Google is advertising that is truly relevant to the content of our site. So that it will benefit the affiliate and the merchant, because visitors of our site will be more interested in the ads that are relevant to site content.

Google adsense program based compensation pay-per-click. The advertisers would pay Google a certain magnitude at any time their ad is clicked on our site. And Google will give you a commission to us with a certain amount by check. Normally this check will be mailed monthly. Besides Google Adsense also provides tools for monitoring (tracking tool) results that occur in the ads displayed.

Then where this all comes down to?

Moreover, if not money, money and money! Affiliate program marketing and Google adsense, can work on anyone, either the merchant or affiliate. On the merchant side, saving the expenses of advertising can be done than should advertise the company advertising. For the site owner / webmaster, they could easily achieve a profit simply by maintaining the quality of their site. And if we can combine affiliate marketing program with google adsense then the money can be larger didapatpun.

Hope it is useful…
(Free translation of: Google Adsense Profits Mixed In With Affiliate Marketing
By Emmanuel Aubrey)

Tips to test and monitor adsense earnings

Adsense, a phenomenon that gives great success for some webmasters, but the irony others do not get meaningful results. Most site owners who succeed in Adsense are people who are experts in "sniffing" campaign performance they do and use the information they get to do a better campaign to generate more clicks.

Monitoring and testing are part of adsense and should be done to maximize the results of potential advertising campaigns. The first step is lacaklah clicks to determine how well the ads worked for us. Adsense tracker (free you know) will provide detail on the statistics as soon as java script has been placed on our website. Note statistic is going on and evaluation of results on each page.

Some pages will give different results with others-try to find what caused the elements of a page give the best performance. Content, graphics and keywords are the factors that determine the performance of the web page. Use the best elements and monitor the statistics to find out whether the change actually worked.

Adsense give the advertiser so many options on the ad. Almost all of the ads can be changed, including size, shape and color, where it can increase clicks.

If we still do not produce anything after these changes, it may be time to start from scratch and create a new ad. The best advertisement for a website is advertising that works well with entire pages (content). Make the ads we look fits with the look of the site, we can test the design of the site with adsense through statistics.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another element that can be determined from the results of tracking and test adsense. Keywords and ranking on the search engines can not be underestimated.

Do not forget the competition, if so many competitors out there that use the same keywords then these popular keywords that are not the best investment to generate traffic. Using keywords in a particular niche (niche keyword) could be a good idea, because it is a popular keyword but not many people use. Keywords are also very focused on certain markets, which will allow us to compete even superior to the other competitors so that attract visitors who can generate profits.

Whatever steps we choose to define key words, always monitor adsense and clicks to see which one is giving the results on our website. Always monitor the statistic is key to a successful Adsense.

Increase Click Through Rate (CTR) Adsense with simple optimization

As a publisher we got one the same question, namely how to do improve google adsense CTR. Whatever type of our web site with the large number of visitors but not making money because of a lack of clicks. I think need to listen to this article.

Because we are in beradsense motive is to increase CTR to generate profit. Actually many ways to increase adsense CTR such as placing advertisements in several different locations with a variety of sizes. True this might work - I will not deny it. For example if you put adsense ads markedly different color to the web page then maybe CTR is low.

Must take precedence web page should look attractive and adsense ads should look like part of the web page. Even the size of the ad can have an important role-just not too big ... .can be imagined suppose we as visitors to the site who want to find specific information In order to solve our problems, suddenly treated to ads that are large ... bete Yau.

Adjust the size of the ad to the size of web pages and the size of the page content. Maybe in a certain place we just need to put a small ad and elsewhere we can place large banner ads. Well that's a few tips to increase CTR but our main strategy here to increase the CTR is clicking with the keyword content optimization and enhancements.

Let us discuss the topic more. We may have often heard of keywords, optimization, ranking, links etc. But optimization means ... ..lots once. But dictionaries optimization means "make the best of a situation or resource"

It should be noted for good CTR, the most important material is content (content) that is rich with keywords. We need to compose and write good content and it is in demand. We need to write content that is really needed by our site visitors. Example: If a visitor to our site looking for tips on marketing but the content of our site contains tips on job interviews, then what happens is these visitors will shut down our site and very little possibility of visitors are clicking on adsense ads because the ads are displayed must relate to interviews and the workplace ,

Back to our topic when you have written a good content with a specific target, the next is to determine the specific and unique keywords. Determine the unique keyword is a bit difficult but try to use keywords that match the target. In other words, create content and adsense ads interconnected. Even the keywords must be in accordance with the advertising and content, meaning that if a visitor searching for the keyword affiliate marketing and our web page contains about affiliate marketing and advertising displayed on affiliate marketing then this will produce a very high probability our adsense ads to be clicked by visitors, due to the topic of advertising in accordance with what visitors are looking for.

  • In conclusion:
  • 1. Good content with a specific target.
  • 2. Advertising that is performed in accordance with the target content.
  • 3. Using keywords that match the content and advertising.
  • All three will be combined into menghasil CTR okay loh ..
  • Good luck….

By: Balakrishna G-27654
(Increase Google Adsense Ctr With Simple Optimization)

How to avoid click fraud on AdSense

Many site owners googlenya account at termination, but they do not do hal2 distorted. Who willingly in termination? Because so many opportunities given to produce the adsense money.

Similarly google unwilling to fraud committed by a handful of people, one of whom is the click fraud.

Click fraud is a click that occurs with the purpose of getting money from the advertisers. Simply mendapatkankan money but in the wrong way. Many site owners already understand this and realize also that this is one of the major problems facing adsense.

How to prevent click fraud?

Most web hosting offers acces log. It seemed necessary to provide logs acces to google. So that Google could also monitor suspicious activity on our site. Because of issues like this very seriously, by providing access to google it will directly tell them that we want to help in any way to face this problem.

Very helpful if we had a software that monitors clicks. If you do not have, you should get it. Since most of the software for free too.

Provide information that you get into google. This will show Google that we also fight against click fraud and will not be part of it. Learn server logs and watch for suspicious activity. Report anything that we find no matter big and small problems.

May also to disable our ads specifically for the IP address and the area close to our area. This is to prevent accidental and avoid wrong. Can be done through a .htaccess file. This is to prevent us unexpectedly clicking on our own ads and causes us kicked out of Adsense.

Avoid adsense of pop ups and pop unders. Do not place adsense ads on content that promotes illegal activity or hijack people's copyright or other business.

Be honest on google when we do click on ads on our own whether intentionally or unintentionally. Or when we violate the Terms of Service (TOS). Honestly, if we had done something wrong. It is better than we silently until google know. Because it will lead to termination of google and we will lose what has been initiated since the beginning.

If there are contacts who know our adsense, make sure they understand that they do not click on your adsense in any situation. There is no harm in telling a little bit about Adsense and what not to do.

Not most PPC networks already have different sizes to prevent the owner of the site do not click on their own ads. Some search engines can track more than 50 of data points, IP address, browser's information, user session and identify trace. They also have a system to detect fraud. Not to mention a team of specialists who monitor things that are happening and help advertisers to combat click fraud.

What's the key to the success of Adsense?

For several months, Google Adsense has been a hot debate in several forums, discussions and newsletters on the internet. Already there are stories of people who became rich and generates millions of rupiah by simply working from home. It looks like Google Adsense has dominated the internet marketing business and become one of the easiest ways to make money online.

The key to successful adsense is placing ads on web pages that have high traffic with a combination of keywords that are most sought after. The higher the price per click, the more money we can from the clicks that occur on our web site. Of course, we will get a bit of money if we targeted the low ad price perkliknya especially if the ad we put on a web page that is slightly visitors.
Nowadays almost every day millions of people are already online and there is always that they "click" every day, then it is no wonder if google adsense into the program quickly ngetop.

1. Increase visitors to our site as much as possible. The goal, our adsense ads will work more effectively and will generate more clicks, which means more money generated.

2. Place the Adsense links on pages that produce little or not profit. By placing Adsense on a page that will reduce the potential for loss due to other visitors kesitus move.

For those who are still learning while working, two factors are actually a good way to earn money from sites that have traffic (traffic) high visitor. Most people use this strategy to make money through Adsense. Google Adsense also provide benefits for sites that contain information that focuses on providing free content to its visitors. Now they can make money from the service they provide. With so many techniques that have been developed to produce the easiest way to make money with Google Adsense, it is no wonder if google adsense is always updating and mempoles to maintain an existing image.

Adsense allows us to have more than one site, so the opportunity to become better and generate income that continues to grow is not a thing that is not impossible.

Even given the adsense feature may be said to spoil the owner of the site, among others: we may block all keywords are low in price per click and additionally can block all ads posted competitors our efforts, so that their ads do not appear on the site.

With Google Adsense, the chances are endless. That's why many people are "taking advantage" of easy to make money on Adsense. If you try the negative ways in the air adsense, it is not impossible to stop the forced google adsense program. If this happens, then we will go back to the old ways in the surf marketing that does not make money as easy as Adsense.

Adsense one turning to money-kan our site

The extra money !! kaga who want at this particular time?
We can earn extra cash by displaying Adsense ads on a website / web. Even it is not impossible to make adsense as a source of our income. Reflect if if we could increase the number of clicks per page on the website, then the result is PROFIT (of course with a little effort).

Google Adsense is one way of precise, easily alias kagak bother so to start an Internet business. By placing text and display Google Ads on content then the opportunity to earn extra money wide open. Moreover, Google ads are related to what our site visitors are looking for us. This is the advantage given so that we can either google-cash-right website. The money that we receive depends on the budget of the advertiser and the desired keywords. If advertisers choose more aggressive in advertising, with many people search keywords then we will get more clicks that means adding dikantong our pocket.

How do I get money from Adsense ads on our site?

1. Be a member of Adsense. Long guns really to create a Google AdSense account.

2. When Adsense accepts our site. We will receive html code that can be placed on the page or the desired website.

3. We will immediately chance to get that amount of money from a few cents to several dollars per click by displaying ads on the site.

Do not try to cheat yourself by clicking the google ads in order to increase your income, because this is one form of fraud, and you can be punished with diputusnya relationship with google adsense alias banned.

4. Statistics Adsensemu is visible 24 hours (one day) simply by signing into your Google account.

If we already feel comfortable with the program and start making money Adsensemu then continue to try different ways to generate more money. Do a comparison of our website to another website to provide knowledge of what programs are available to help us in making money.

One factor that may affect the income is how well we execute the program.

In general, a business site wants to make as much money as possible, This of course takes time and always through trial and error.

How to make money from Adsense?

1. It is important to choose one subject matter per page. Put a few keywords into the page content. Visitors prefer ads that are relevant to the possibility of more clicks.

2. Use white space around the ads; it will attract the attention of visitors to see the ad. There are a variety of colors that can be used and are provided by Google.

3. Be sure to test your ad placement, it is recommended to place the ad vertically. Means to place the ad vertically on the right side or the left side of the page. You can also try placing horizontal, vertical only far more popular and likely to generate clicks.

4. Make sure your pages contain more content based on keywords, dilate the theme of the site. Focus on the use of keywords or key phrases, it will optimize our pages in search engines. So that will attract visitors to our site.

Disclaimer: Images, articles or videos that exist on the web sometimes come from various sources of other media. Copyright is fully owned by the source. If there is a problem with this matter, you can contact